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Friday, December 09, 2011

ما المعتمد في إقامة الصفوف؟ METHOD OF STRAIGHTENING THE ROWS

س234 : ما المعتمد في إقامة الصفوف؟ وهل يشرع للمصلي أن يلصق كعبه بكعب من بجانبه؟ أفتونا مأجورين؟

الجواب: الصحيح أن المعتمد في تسوية الصف محاذاة الكعبين بعضهما بعضاً، لا رؤوس الأصابع، وذلك لأن البدن مركب على الكعب، والأصابع تختلف الأقدام فيها، فهناك القدم الطويل، وهناك القدم القصير، فلا يمكن ضبط التساوي إلا بالكعب .

وأما إلصاق الكعبين بعضهما ببعض فلا شك أنه وارد عن الصحابة –رضي الله عنهم- فإنهم كانا يسوون الصفوف بإلصاق الكعبين بعضهما ببعض ، أي أن كل واحد منهم يلصق كعبه بكعب جاره لتحقق المحاذاة وتسوية الصف، فهو ليس مقصوداً لذاته لكنه مقصود لغيره كما ذكر بعض أهل العلم، ولهذا إذا تمت الصفوف وقام الناس ينبغي لكل واحد أن يلصق كعبه بكعب صاحبه لتحقق المساواة، وليس معنى ذلك أن يلازم هذا الإلصاق ويبقى ملازماً له في جميع الصلاة .

ومن الغلو في هذه المسألة ما يفعله بعض الناس من كونه يلصق كعبه بكعب صاحبه ويفتح قدميه فيما بينهما حتى يكون بينه وبين جاره في المناكب فرجة فيخالف السنة في ذلك، والمقصود أن المناكب والأكعب تتساوى .

Q. 234. What is prescribe regarding the straightening of the rows? Is it legislated for the worshipper to connect his ankle to theankle of the person next to him? Deliver a verdict for us and may you be rewarded.

A. The correct opinion is that what is prescribed regarding straightening the rows is the rows is for the ankles to be parallel to each other, not the tips of the toes. This is because the body is mounted upon the ankles, while toes differ according to the size of the feet, for there are big feet and small feet, therefore it is not possible to precisely straighten the rows except by the ankles.

As for connecting the ankles, each of them next to the other, there is no doubt that it has been reported from the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, for they used to straighten the rows by connecting the ankles, each of them next to the other.[1] That is, that each of them would connect his ankle to the ankle of his neighbor, so that they would be parallel and the rows would be straight. And it (i.e. the connecting of the ankles) is not an aim in itself; rather the aim is something other than this (i.e. the straightening of the rows), as the scholars have said. Therefore, if the rows are completed and the people are standing, then it is an obligation on each of them to connect his ankle to the ankle of his companion, in order to achieve straight rows; and the meaning of this is not that he should tenaciously insist on connecting the ankles and keeping them connected throughout the whole of the prayer.

This is a form of excessiveness in this matter as some of the people do, which is that they connect ankle-to-ankle with their companions and spread their feet wide, so that there are spaces between their shoulders and those of their neighbors, thereby contradicting the Sunnah and the aim is that the ankles be straight.

Fatawa Arkan-ul-Islam

Fatawa Arkan-ul-Islam By Shaykh Muhammad ibn Salih Al-Uthaymeen. The Fatawa presented in these volumes have been selected from the whole collection of the Fatawa of the learned Shaikh Muhammad bin Salih Al-'Uthaymeen and translated into the English language. These Fatawa are distinguished by their reliance upon the Book of Allah, the Most High, the Sunnah of His Messenger (S) and the opinions of the scholars who are known for their investigative powers. We hope that these Fatawa will provide the people great help, knowledge and understanding of the finer points of religious aspects.

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