Some of Christians today are asking
1- Before Aa'yshah was engaged to the prophet PBUH, she had been engaged to "Jobair bin Mata'am bin Odai" and this indicates that the prophet engagement to Aa'shah was normal back then according to their traditions and customs.
2- Prophet Mohammad PBUH had so many enemies who accused him of being liar, insane, poet and magician. And they were waiting for a mistake to degrade him. So, if his marriage to Aa'yshah was a shameful act they would be the first accusers.
3- According to the narrated story which mentioned that he married her when she was six and consummated his marriage when she became nine. The question is why would he wait three years to consummate his marriage? If prophet Mohammad PBUH was like what they have said about him,he would consummate his marriage when she was six.
4- There is no way for a woman to love her rapist!
The greatest love story in history between a wife and a husband was theirs. No wife was jealous for her husband like Aa'shah. She used to be proud of her love to him. He was a great and a perfect example of loving and caring messenger and husband to his wife. He died in her lap. So instead of mocking him they must take him as a role model.

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