*_✨❤️Surah An-Nahl, Aayah No 40❤️✨_*
إِنَّمَا قَوْلُنَا لِشَيْءٍ إِذَا أَرَدْنَاهُ أَن نَّقُولَ لَهُ كُن فَيَكُونُ
*_❤ Our word for a thing when We intend it, is only that We say to it, Be, and it is. ❤_*
*💕SubhanAllah...!! This is one of the most amazing verses in the Qur’an💕*
*🌿This verse “Kun fa ya kun”, “Be! And it is”, is soo satisfying. It increases your Faith and helps you to keep that corner of Hope alive in our hearts alwayssss. 🌿*
*🌸This verse needs to be imprinted on the hearts of every Muslim. To the know and understand the wisdom and glory of Allah Subhanahu wa taala🌸*
*🍁Especially those who are going through problems in life, and who isn’t? We are floating in some or the other storm. 🍁*
*💦We need to completely believe in Allah Subhanahu wa taala that He alone can remove all harms, protect us from all evil, change our situations, guide us out of difficulty and remove all hardships with ease and Aafiyah 💦*
*🌟If we completely depend on Him whole-heartedly and work towards goodness and deeds of righteousness, it increases our faith in Him. 🌟*
*🌍When Allah Subhanahu wa taala can create this entire universe and all of this creation; then we must become reliant upon Him and believe that He can make those things that seem impossible, possible for us in no time. 🌍*
*💖Allah Subhanahu wa taala is soo much bigger than what we think! He is the Creator of the Worlds! 💖*
*💎He will resolve it all for you and you won’t even believe how things will have happened so miraculously. 💎*
*🍀Just have complete Faith and Hope in Him and InShaAllah Allah Subhanahu wa taala will make a way out for us soooon with tons of Aafiyah, Khair and Barakah. 🍀*

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