*_🍀🌸Surah Taha, Aayah No 7🌸🍀_*
وَإِن تَجْهَرْ بِالْقَوْلِ فَإِنَّهُ يَعْلَمُ السِّرَّ وَأَخْفَى
*_💦✨And if you utter the saying aloud, then surely He knows the secret, and what is yet more hidden.✨💦_*
*💖Allah Subhanahu wa taala knows Everything. Nothing is hidden from Him. He is the lord of the worlds💖*
*🌹Someday people will leave you and you will feel lost and helpless. No one in this world cares and loves you the way Allah Subhanahu wa taala does. Turn back to your Creator now when you have a chance; cause He knows it all. Turning back to Him is Indeeed a blessing🌹*
*✨Allah knows what your silent heart desires *
*✨Allah knows the goodness you want to spread *
*✨Allah knows those unsaid fears *
*✨Allah knows those silent tears *
*✨Allah knows when you're sad & broke *
*✨Allah knows when people mock you and you don't retaliate *
*♥Allah knows.. Allah Subhanahu wa taala is Al-Aleem(The all knowing). He knows everything ♥*
*✨His doors of mercy and forgiveness are always open. He's waiting for you to turn back to Him.✨*
*🌳Turn back to your Creator, Ask and Seek from Him alone; cause no one understands the heart better than the one who created it.🌳*
*🎀Expect from no one in this world, cause they always lead to disappointments. Expect only from your Rabb and InShaAllah they will always lead to peace and bliss.🎀*
*🍁Do good even if you don't receive good. Not for the sake of people but for the sake of your Rabb who knows each minute detail of your heart. And InShaAllah you'll receive a lott more goodness than you ever thought of.🍁*
*💎May Allah Subhanahu wa taala help us turn back to Him, bless us all with good health, eliminate our worries, fill our hearts with Peace & Happiness and grant all our Duas & Wishes..Aameeen Ya Rabbal Aalameen💎*

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