7 Traps of Shaytan ( Satan) - 21st century deception
1. Misbehaving and not mannered in front of parents and in society - its 'Boldness'
2. Act and promote 'fahisha' (Naked,Nude behaviour) - Its Confidence
3. No Hijab needed- attracting opposite gender with Shamlessness - Its 'Beauty and Fashion '
4. Illicit & Kafir style actions and Zina ( adultery, fornication, Lust ) - Its 'Love '
5. Music, Poetry, dance (like animals) , alcohol and drugs,Gambling ,movies - Its 'Entertainment'
6. Wasting precious time of Life (youth and other ages) on useless activities(such as poetry etc) and worst sins possible to commit . Its 'Exception and Needed'.
7. To talk against and make mockery of religion , scholars , Prophets, - It is independence and 'Freedom of Speech'.
May ALLAH azza wajal keep us away from such traps and guide us to sirat Mustaqeem - - the way of the Prophet (PEACE BE UPON HIM)- Aameen

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