One thing we must always remember is that there is no perfect person on Earth! Every single one of us has our unique set of weaknesses, shortcomings, flaws and vulnerabilities. At some point, we all experience fluctuations in our Imaan (faith), it is quite similar to the motions of a rollercoaster ride.
We have our heavenly highs, our despairing lows, our soaring ups and our abysmal downs. We sometimes make mistakes and may involve ourselves in confusing situations, where we are sometimes unable to differentiate whether they will turn out to be pleasing or regrettable. The point I am trying to get at is that we are all weak, we are all sinners, sinning in different ways, some are apparent while others are concealed.
Not a single one of us was created to be perfect, so do not for a second think that you are better than anyone else or that anyone else is better than you except by humble piety and selfless good deeds. If you must, compete healthily with one another through these beneficial actions, NOT for the temporary grandeur and delusions of this world!
It is a necessity to realistically ponder a little more on our lives, our deeds, our habits and most importantly, our INTENTIONS! We all make mistakes so “Let those without sins cast the first stone". Perfection is not the goal, being REAL is! Whosoever wants to judge you, let them go right ahead. In the same breath, acknowledge when you are wrong and humble yourself to make amends.
Never ignore the one who is courteous enough to apologise for their mistakes because through this gesture, they are showing you that you are MORE important than their ego!
Do the INNER WORK, be vulnerable with yourself and address your sins, downfalls, bad habits and shady areas. Gradually, you will come to make peace within yourself as you work on those weaknesses. Do not let your past blackmail your present to ruin your beautiful future!! Make a plan to always be in the remembrance of Our Creator often, through the testing phases AND more so, during the times of ease. We are bound to falter as we will have weak moments, such is life! Do remember, however that the that the BEST amongst us are the ones who spread peace and ask for forgiveness.
As we trek through this journey of life, let us give it our best! Not a single person knows how much time he/she has remaining in this worldly dimension so we should treat each day as though it may be our last. There are always going to be storms and upheavals along the way. The moment we start to ACCEPT them as lessons, with GRATITUDE, we will witness how our responses to such trials change for the positive. IN the midst of the storm are the moments that really matter. We learn grace, humility, wisdom and experience.
The love that goes around, the compassion, the kindness, the selflessness are all GOLDEN. Let each one of us aim to live lives, where we can come out clean from any situation... because whether we acknowledge it or not, we all aspire to hear the very same words on that day when we stand before The Lord of the Worlds: “O servant of mine, I am pleased with you.”
I HUMBLY ask for forgiveness from everyone, especially from the people I may have intentionally or unintentionally hurt. I ask The Almighty to bless us all with true contentment and a bright, prosperous journey ahead. May Allah, The Most High accept us, guide us and forgive us.….
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