*_🍀Surah Ad-Dhuha, Aayah No 3🍀_*
مَا وَدَّعَكَ رَبُّكَ وَمَا قَلَىٰ
*_✨Your Lord has not forsaken you, nor has He become displeased,✨_*
*💦When things do not go exactly the way we wanted,💦*
*💦When we do not achieve what we have tried so hard to,💦*
*💦When your tired and just can't go on,💦*
*💦When you don't know what's ahead of you and you are just going on💦*
*💦When you feel defeated by the fleeing world💦*
*💦When nothing seems to be working out for you💦*
*💦When your heart is shattered in pain,💦*
*💦When we feel so let down by others,💦*
*🌟Then always know that for as long as we have Faith & Trust in Allah Subhanahu wa taala, He'll InShaAllah NEVER let us down.🌟*
*💚Your Rabb will carry you through places and phases you never thought you could get through with alot of goodness.💚*
*🛣️🎊Allah Subhanahu wa taala has your back held firmly and He'll direct you towards "Siraatul Mustaqeem" (The straight path). All you need to do is is GO ON, NEVER GIVE UP AND HAVE COMPLETE FAITH IN HIM.🎊🛣️*
*♥️Allah Subhanahu wa taala definitely has something better & beautiful in store for us. All of this is for a purpose. A purpose much more Beautiful than the ugly situations we are in now.♥️*
*_🌺He has saved us from a severe calamity or disaster that would have been in our path or has elevated our status through surrendering to His Decree. Trust Allah. HE KNOWS MORE AND BETTER THAN YOU. SURRENDER YOUR WORRIES TO HIM.🌺_*
*🌱We are not considered Believers until we are Pleased with the Decisions of the Almighty and have complete trust on His plans for us.. Know and believe it all happens for the goood reason.🌱*
*✨The pain you were in last night will pass, you'll wake up to a beautiful and fresh morning. Allah is your guardian and protector and Indeeed He loves you soo much that He does not burden any soul beyond what it can bear✨*
*💖Trust Him & Have Faith in Him.. And Believe that no matter what happens, Good or Bad, it's all by His will and He knows everything; what's good for us and what's bad for us. And He only and only does Khair for us.💖*
*💠Your Rabb will always do what's BEST for you. You may not see or understand it now. But eventually you'll know and understand it. It all happens for a reason.💠*
*✨Indeed, Allah Subhanahu wa taala is the knower of the unseen and seen. He's aware of everything your going through.✨*
*♦️This will InShaAllah save us from much Anxiety & Depression. It will save you from alott of despair and reinstall a lott of hope and faith in your heart ♦️*
*💜Trust His plans for you. It's all happening for your own gooood InShaAllah. So just keep doing your Best & Leave the rest to Him.💜*

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