The harder you cry in Sujood, the happier you get.
Sujood is the best place to communicate with Allah.
Sometimes a single Sajdah heals all the pain.
Crying on Sujood is better than crying on someone's shoulder.
By putting your forehead on the ground, you're actually putting an end to your worries.
When you sit back up from Sujud after you’ve let it all out and that little feeling of relief with weight being lifted off.
The shortest distance between a problem and it's solution is the distance between your knees and Sujood.
In Sujood You whisper down the ground and it is heard up in the Heavens.
When the whole world is against you, only Sujood can do wonders in your life.
In this Duniyah, there is no greater pleasure than Sujood.
A Muslim In Sujud Is stronger than the King On his Throne.
May Allah respond to all our supplication and grant us success in both world.. اللّهمّ آمــــــــــين يارب 🤲🏿🥀❤

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