*_🎊💖Surah Ar-Rad, Aayah No 29💖🎊_*
الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ طُوبَىٰ لَهُمْ وَحُسْنُ مَآبٍ
*_✨ (As for) those who believe and do good, a good final state shall be theirs and a goodly return. ✨_*
*❄ Kindness makes you the most beautiful person in the world, no matter what you look like ❄*
*🌸Never underestimate the power of those little good deeds and never stop doing good when you don't see it return🌸*
*💚Allah Subhanahu wa taala has a beautiful way to give you back all the good you did and reward you in abundance for the same💚*
*🌷Always leave someone with a piece of your heart rather than a piece of your mind. 🌷*
*✨Leave a print over their heart of your kindness and goodness for the sake of Allah. ✨*
*☘️Allah Subhanahu wa taala loves those who do good. So do it anyway. ☘️*
*🌸All the good that you do InShaAllah will come back to you in unexpected ways. InShaAllah you'll then know the power Allah Subhanahu wa taala has infused in doing good. 🌸*
*🌟Be kind, for whenever kindness becomes part of something, it beautifies it. Let us take a good and clean heart and soul back to Allah Subhanahu wa taala🌟*
*🍂Whenever kindness it is taken from something, it leaves it tarnished. Forgive and forget to get rid of all the tarnish and move on with a happy spirit to do good consistently🍂*
*🌺 Remember, its easy to be kind to the one who is kind to you. 🌺*
*💫Try being kind to the one who isn't kind to you, they don't deserve it and that's when you'll see its power. 💫*
*💎Kindness costs nothing much. 💎*
*❤Just a f ew good words, just a little care and A sincere heart. ❤*
*💝Be kind to others with the intention of InShaAllah Allah Subhanahu wa taala who is Ar-Rahman (The most kind) being kind to you and then it won't be difficult for you to be kind to those who are unkind to you. 💝*

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