*_♥️🌸Surah An-Noor, Aayat No 52🌸♥️_*
وَمَن يُطِعِ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ وَيَخْشَ اللَّهَ وَيَتَّقْهِ فَأُولَٰئِكَ هُمُ الْفَائِزُونَ
*_💦And he who obeys Allah and His Apostle, and fears Allah, and is careful of (his duty to) Him, these it is that are the achievers.💦_*
*💚Whoever is watchful towards Allah’s boundaries will be under His watchful care and protection InShaAllah.💚*
*🍁For is there anyone who has achieved closeness to Allah and not found that with Him is everything that they need and desire?🍁*
*✨No one has attained success except by going against their ego’s desires, and no one has suffered failure except by preferring the worldly life over the afterlife.✨*
*🌼Learn to starve your ego and feed your soul. To be amongst the achievers needs a beginning first and then InShaAllah slowly and steadily you'll achieve closeness to your Creator and find your peace🌼*
*❤️Build your connection with your Rabb through heartfelt duas, loads of dhikr, Salah, Charity, goood deeds and be patient. Cry out your heart to Him.. Your Rabb is Al-Mujeeb (The responsive)❤️*
*💚Allah Subhanahu wa taala responds to the call of the caller when He calls. He is As-Sami, Al-Basir, Ash-Shaheed, Al-Fattah and Al-Wahhab.💚*
*💖And Allah Subhanahu wa taala is Al-Khabeer(The Aware). He is the maker of your heart, He knows your heart, He knows what your gonna tell Him but SubhanAllah your Rabb still listens to you.💖*
*🌺He grants you that peace post your sincere duas, He increases you in your Tawakkul towards Him and blesses you with what's BEST for you.🌺*
*✨May Allah Subhanahu wa taala forgive each one of us and grant all our duas.. May He make us from amongst the "achievers" and shower His choicest blessings upon each one of us with tons of Aafiyah, Khair and Barakah..Aameeen Ya Rabbul Aalameen✨*

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