I really believe that we are killing our selves with THE USAGE OF MOBILE PHONES AND SOCIAL MEDIA. I see parents sitting next to their children waiting in line or in a park and each and every one of them is on their mobile updating statuses, checking Instagram or tweeting. They don't talk to each other, they walk and text, they drive and text. I HAVE ALSO FALLEN INTO THIS MANY TIMES AND HAVE FELT THE PAIN OF THIS. SO I'M TALKING FROM MY EXPERIENCE and how I feel.
You finish your salah and you check your mobile to see if you missed anything. You walk on the street and you check your mobile. You are at work and you check your mobile. There are hundreds of updates every minute.
We lose our time and do not even open the Quran for a fraction of that time. The Shaitan has locked us down on this and made us worry about other people's problems.
Yes I have tweeter and Facebook and Instagram and that's why I feel this way. I know many dayees have these social media platforms and they are doing great work. BUT - 99 percent of people do not do any dawah and only watch and check and go back and forth and like and dislike and argue sometimes and waste time.
In the Muslim countries, it is a disease. Instagram has swept most people and caused them to fall prey to narcissistic tendencies. Selfies are a proof of how infatuated we are with ourselves. Again I speak from analysing myself and looking at how I feel sometimes. No doubt we have to take a picture or two here and there, but there are people who are constantly taking selfies and showing their bodies - brothers and sisters uncovering what Allah ordered to cover only to get a few likes - it shows that we are in need of attention, in need of love and recognition, while at the same time that we are getting it in the wrong way.
I advise everyone and myself first to reduce time on social media and if you are on it use it for beneficial things. Start a dawah program where you reach out to people and not some kind of FAN CLUB for a Muslim speaker or dayee. Our social media MUSLIM SPEAKERS pages are becoming fan clubs. People making weird appealing comments and blunt proposals as if these people would be some kind of super stars. Remember that everything we write and we say is being recorded by the malaaika.
May Allah (SWT) guide us to the right path and increase our Imaan. Ameen.

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