* This Duniyah doesn’t care about you *
_ No matter how much you believe the world is for you, it is always against you _
_ If you died today, the world continues without you tomorrow_
_ The world doesn’t wait for the sad people to feel better, it moves anyway. _
_ The world doesn’t wait for the sick people to heal, it continues regardless _
_ The world doesn’t pause the mourn for the death of anyone; it goes on with or without you _
_ The world is not for you. The more you believe the world is yours, the more you will be given reasons to be proven otherwise _
_ Live life with the acceptance that you are here for a temporary amount of time, with a purpose that needs to be fulfilled with patience and trust _
_ With that mindset whatever calamity hits you will be deal with easily, whereas living with the mindset that the world is a place for fun, you will be crushed over and over again. ____
* May Allaah forgive all the Muslims Ummah, make their trials easy on them, and let us all meet in Junnah-ul-Firdaus, Aamiiiiiiiii

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